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Why Elect an Attorney General that is Soft on Crime?

The Bible teaches that God ordains governments to promote justice and protect citizens from harm (Romans 13:1-7). Of course, the government can punish wrongdoers, but this authority should be exercised justly and fairly.

In some cases, voters may choose to elect an Attorney General who is perceived as being soft on crime because they believe in the power of forgiveness and rehabilitation. Jesus taught forgiveness and mercy towards those who have committed wrongs, and Christians are called to forgive others as they have been forgiven (Matthew 6:14-15).

Furthermore, the Bible also teaches that vengeance belongs to God and not to individuals (Romans 12:19). While it is essential to hold criminals accountable for their actions, it is not the responsibility of the government or individuals to seek revenge.

However, it is also important to note that the Bible does not condone lawlessness or disregard for the rule of law. Those who commit crimes should be held accountable for their actions, and justice should be administered fairly.

In conclusion, while there may be valid reasons why voters may choose to elect an Attorney General who is perceived as soft on crime, it is essential to ensure that justice is still being served and that the rule of law is respected. The goal should be to promote justice and protect citizens from harm while demonstrating forgiveness and mercy towards those who have committed wrongs.

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