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Exposition of John Chapter One: Discovering the Eternal Word.


Welcome to a journey through the Gospel of John that promises to inform and transform. As we prepare to delve into the opening chapter of this profound Spiritual text, let's set the scene. We attribute the authorship to the Apostle John, who writes with deep theological insights to reveal Christ's divine nature. Unlike the Synoptic Gospels, John's narrative starts not with Jesus' earthly life but from the beginning—beyond time as we understand it.

We'll discover how John paints a picture of Jesus that blends the familiar hues of earthly existence with the vibrant, mysterious colors of eternal truth. His introduction of the Word (Logos) resonates with Jewish and Hellenistic thought, bridging worlds and inviting all into a shared understanding of the divine. So, let's embark on this exploration together, gleaning timeless truths from these ancient words.

Verses 1-5: The Word Pre-Incarnate:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. These opening lines of the Gospel are more than poetry; they are a foundational statement about the divine nature of Christ. John introduces us to the concept of the Trinity—a unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—through the lens of intimate relationship and eternal existence.

Verse 3 presents the powerful creator aspect of the Word, reminding us that without Him, "was not anything made that was made." It's a profound thought: Every atom, every galaxy—Jesus holds authority over it all. And shouldn't He hold that place of honor in our cosmos, too?

Moving into Verses 4-5, John discusses life and Light, juxtaposing them with darkness. This isn't just about the physical Light that pierces through a blackened sky; it's the illuminating truth of Salvation, shattering the shadows of ignorance and sin. This Light is unabashed and unafraid—illuminating, inviting, insisting on being seen, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

Verses 6-13: The Witness of John the Baptist:

John the Baptist steps onto the scene in Verses 6-8, a man sent from God to bear witness to the Light. Just as John was called to testify to the truth of Christ's identity, so are we. In our lives, how are we shedding Light on the truth? Are our words, actions, and lives a reflection of that same witness John was tasked with?

As we grapple with Verses 9-11, we're confronted with the raw reality of rejection. The genuine Light, Jesus, came into the world He created, yet the world knew Him not. But John doesn't leave us in the narrative of rejection.

In Verses 12-13, he assures us that to those who do receive Jesus, He gives them the right to become children of God. This isn't about bloodline or desire; it's about belief—a transformative belief that changes our status and very nature.

Verses 14-18: The Word Became Flesh:

Verse 14 encapsulates the awe-inspiring truth of the incarnation: "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." The Word. Flesh. Among us. It's the mystery of the divine choosing the confines of time and humanity, teaching us more about God's nature and love than we could ever glean from a distance.

Verses 15-18 express the transition from law to grace, from Moses to Christ. This isn't just about chronology; it's a transformation of how we encounter the divine—from stone tablets to a living, breathing Savior who embodies grace and truth. And isn't this what we yearn for? Not just rules, but relationships—not only truth, but also grace.

Verses 19-34: The Testimony of John the Baptist about Jesus:

John the Baptist's humility shines in Verses 19-28, as he clarifies, "I am not the Christ." In a world where many seek prominence, John teaches us the beauty of understanding our role—pointing others to Christ, not ourselves. Humility isn't about self-deprecation; it's about purposeful self-awareness.

Verses 29-34 introduce Jesus as the "Lamb of God who takes away the world's sin." Here, John speaks to a sacrificial system well understood by his audience while unveiling the finality of that system in Jesus. For us, grasping this facet of Jesus' identity is crucial—it's the foundation of atonement, the rock upon which our faith rests.

Verses 35-51: The Calling of the First Disciples:

As we observe the calling of the first disciples in Verses 35-42, we see the beginning of Jesus' earthly ministry and a pattern for discipleship that we are still called to follow. Being a disciple means more than just listening; it's about striding with Jesus, becoming part of His narrative, and inviting others to do the same.

Verses 43-51 detail Philip's and Nathanael's encounters with Jesus. Jesus issues a personal call, reflecting a divine knowledge that goes beyond human understanding, promising even greater revelations to come. What might Jesus reveal to us now, if we take a moment to listen, to see "heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man"?


Our voyage through John Chapter 1 may conclude, but the journey through its implications has only begun. We've touched on Jesus' preexistence, witnessed the awe of the incarnation, heard the persistent voice of John the Baptist, seen the response to Jesus' presence, and felt the call to discipleship.

These aren't just theological concepts; they're the fabric of a life lived in pursuit of the divine—a life rich with implication and invitation. May we join the narrative, not as distant onlookers but as active participants—embracing our identity as children of God and responding to the call to follow Jesus, the Word made flesh, into a daily manifestation of His grace and truth.

Have you enjoyed this exposition? Hungry for more? Come along as we continue to explore, apply, and live out the depths of Biblical principles in our everyday lives. Let the Word reveal, transform, and inspire you—you are part of the story.

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