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Dealing with Guilt

Updated: Jan 28, 2023

Biblical Principles that help Overcome Guilt

Guilt is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences at some point. While guilt can help modify our behavior, it can also become debilitating if we dwell on it too much. The Good News is that the Bible provides principles that can help us overcome guilt and move forward with our lives. In this blog post, we'll explore 5 Biblical principles that can help us overcome guilt and experience God's forgiveness and freedom.

Acknowledge that you have done wrong and ask for forgiveness

We all make mistakes, and it can be difficult to acknowledge them, mainly if we cause hurt or pain to another person. As the Bible verse Ecclesiastes 7:20 tells us, "For there is not a just man upon earth that does good, and sins not."

It's humbling to look at ourselves and admit wrongdoings, but by doing so have an opportunity to seek forgiveness. There are dozens of Bible verses throughout the different Chapters that talk about dealing with guilt, turning away from sin, admitting mistakes, and asking for forgiveness - each of these can offer guidance on how to deal with situations in which we've caused harm. Acknowledging our wrongdoings and asking for forgiveness shows humility and strength on the path toward redemption.

Repent of your sins and turn away from them

Grace, Faith, and Salvation are the core of being "Born Again." Repenting our sins and turning away from them is a fundamental, life-changing choice when we believe in Jesus. By humbly acknowledging our guilt and need for change, we open ourselves to God's everlasting mercy and forgiveness. Through His grace, our faith is increased, allowing us to be washed clean by His outstretched arms and begin anew with the assurance of heaven’s promise of Salvation. Repentance is a vital first step in embarking on this spiritual journey and essential for experiencing true inner peace.

Accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior

Taking the step of faith to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior is life-changing. It’s not just a decision that will lead to eternal life, but it can also benefit us in our worldly lives right now! We should be bold in sharing the Gospel with our loved ones, for witnessing to them about Jesus Christ can bring you peace, joy, and wholeness. Commitment to Jesus allows us to truly experience unconditional love from our heavenly father and escape the chains of worldly worries and pain. As believers, let us all trust God’s promise of redemption in accepting His Son - Jesus Christ - as our Savior!

Read the Bible and Pray Regularly

Singing and prayer are integral parts of worshipping God, and reading the Bible should be just as essential. Singing and praying with others is a meaningful way to build community in the church. Still, those same songs and prayers can bring us closer to God with regular readings from his Word. Praying alone and reading Scripture can renew our hope no matter the circumstance we find ourselves in, even if others do not understand our struggles. Singing songs of praise reminds us that God is still with us, guiding us every step of the way. Reading the Bible and praying regularly brings a greater awareness of His love for us and how we can be obedient to Him.

Seek counsel from a Pastor or other trained Christian leader

One of the best ways to make decisions that are honoring to God and beneficial for our lives is to speak to a Pastor or other Christian leader. Not every situation entirely lends itself to an apparent outpouring of Biblical insight. Yet, regardless of what we may be facing spiritually, emotionally, or otherwise, these individuals can provide us with Scripture-based wisdom and guidance whenever asked. While friends or family members may offer their thoughts, leaders devoted to studying and understanding the Bible often have a better long-term perspective when making choices that affect our lives. Consulting a pastor or Christian leader can be the first step in discovering how God intends for us to move forward.

Join a Bible Study Group or Sunday School Class

Joining a Bible Study Group or Sunday School Class can be an enlightening experience. Whether new to Scripture and Faith or looking to deepen your beliefs, these classes provide an opportunity to understand more about what is contained within this Holy Book. Nowadays, there are many online options for studying the Bible, allowing you to dive deeper into the teachings and explore its stories in the comfort of your own space. With a Bible Study Class, you will gain knowledge and understanding of Scripture and develop relationships with like-minded individuals who want to learn more about Christianity daily.

If you have yet to decide to accept Christ as your Personal Savior, we would like to encourage you to do so today. It is never too late to repent and turn away from your sin. If you have questions or want guidance on becoming a follower of Christ, please get in touch with us. We would be more than happy to chat with you about the good news of the Gospel and answer any questions you may have. As scripture states in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” He has given us grace and mercy through His son Jesus Christ - let us be the next steps in your faith journey.

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