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Title: The Story of Joseph: A Lesson in Forgiveness and Providence

Objective: To teach the significant points of the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis, highlighting themes such as forgiveness, divine providence, and family reconciliation.

I. Introduction A. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, is a collection of stories about the origins of the world and the beginnings of the people of Israel. B. The story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50) is a powerful narrative about how God works in the lives of individuals and families.

II. Joseph's Dreams and His Brothers' Jealousy (Genesis 37) A. Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob, is favored by his father, causing his brothers to become envious. 1. Joseph receives a coat of many colors (Genesis 37:3-4). B. Joseph has dreams, which he shares with his brothers, that foretell his future prominence and his brothers' eventual submission to him (Genesis 37:5-11). C. The brothers' jealousy leads them to sell Joseph into slavery in Egypt (Genesis 37:12-28).

III. Joseph's Time in Egypt (Genesis 39-41) A. Despite adversity, Joseph prospers in Egypt, becoming the overseer of Potipar's household (Genesis 39:1-6). B. Joseph is falsely accused of a crime and imprisoned (Genesis 39:7-20). C. In prison, Joseph interprets the dreams of Pharaoh's officials, the cupbearer, and the baker (Genesis 40:1-23). D. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams, predicting seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine (Genesis 41:1-36). E. Pharaoh appoints Joseph as second-in-command over Egypt to prepare for the upcoming famine (Genesis 41:37-45).

IV. Joseph's Brothers Come to Egypt (Genesis 42-45) A. Joseph's brothers come to Egypt to buy grain during the famine (Genesis 42:1-5). B. Joseph recognizes his brothers but does not reveal his identity (Genesis 42:6-24). C. Joseph tests his brothers by accusing Benjamin of stealing (Genesis 44:1-17). D. Judah offers himself as a substitute for Benjamin, demonstrating a change in the brothers' character (Genesis 44:18-34). Finally, e. Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers and forgives them, recognizing God's hand in his life (Genesis 45:1-15).

V. Family Reconciliation and Joseph's Death (Genesis 46-50) A. Jacob and his family settle in Egypt (Genesis 46-47). B. Jacob blesses his sons and dies (Genesis 48-49). C. Joseph reassures his brothers of his forgiveness and God's plan (Genesis 50:15-21). Finally, D. Joseph dies in Egypt, but his bones are later brought to the Promised Land (Genesis 50:22-26).

Conclusion: The story of Joseph teaches us about God's providence, the power of forgiveness, and the importance of family reconciliation. Despite the challenges and betrayals he faced, Joseph remained faithful to God and ultimately forgave his brothers and brought his family back together.

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