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75 Sermons

I have a catalog of 75 Sermons. If you want one, let me know. Oh yeah, please be patient; I'm my only helper. Note: I charge nothing, but it would be great if you donated something to your favorite Missionaries for each sermon. Just pick one: 1. Walking in Obedience: What Does It Look Like? 2. How to Rely on God’s Strength When You Feel Weak 3. Being Filled with the Holy Spirit 4. Faithful Enduring in Persecution 5. The Call to Love Your Enemies 6. Pursuing Holiness 7. The Pursuit of Joy in Christ 8. The Power of Forgiveness 9. Experiencing God’s Presence and Peace 10. Practicing Gratitude and Thanksgiving 11. Cultivating Contentment No Matter the Circumstances 12. Having a Godly Attitude of Humility 13. Releasing Our Burdens to God 14. Drawing Near to God in Difficult Times 15. The Importance of Intercessory Prayer 16. Listening to God’s Voice 17. Understanding the Purpose and Power of Fasting 18. Honoring God in Our Work 19. Growing in Wisdom and Discernment 20. Practicing Generosity and Stewardship of Resources 21. Connecting Your Heart with God’s Word 22. The Power of Testimony and Sharing the Gospel 23. Responding to Difficult Questions About the Christian Faith 24. The Adoption of New Identities in Christ 25. Pursuing Unity and Oneness in the Body of Christ 26. Renewing Your Mind with God’s Truth and Promises 27. Understanding Sacrificial Living and Obedience to God's Will 28. Purifying Your Heart and Mind from Sin 29. Cultivating a Life of Love and Mercy 30. The Fruits of the Spirit: How Do We Exhibit Them? 31. Breaking Free From Strongholds of Temptation 32. Obeying God in All Things, No Matter What Happens 33. Overcoming Fear, Doubt, and Anxiety 34. The Importance of Patience and Perseverance 35. Conquering Discouragement in Difficult Times 36. Knowing God’s Promises are True 37. Learning How to Listen and Follow God's Guidance 38. Experiencing Joy and Peace in Christ 39. The Blessing of Serving Others 40. Becoming an Ambassador For Christ 41. Practicing Hospitality and Making Disciples 42. Receiving God’s Abundant Blessings 43. Understanding How to Live a Holy Life 44. Experiencing Renewal and Revival 45. Rejoicing in the Lord’s Goodness and Grace 46. Transforming Negative Thoughts Into Positive Affirmations 47. Knowing God is Faithful to His Promises 48. Witnessing God’s Miracles and Wonders 49. The Power of Praise and Worship 50. Sharing Your Faith with Confidence and Boldness 51. Trusting in the Sovereignty of God 52. Being Prepared for Christ’s Return 53. Understanding Genuine Repentance 54. Knowing What is Righteousness and How to Live It Out 55. Making a Difference in Your Community 56. Embracing God’s Unconditional Love 57. The Joy of Following Jesus Wholeheartedly 58. Growing in Hope and Encouragement 59. Overcoming Adversity with Courage and Strength 60. Being Rooted and Grounded in the Love Of God 61. The Gift of Righteousness and Redemption 62. Experiencing Peace, Joy, and Hope amid Trials 63. Learning to Live a Life of Abundance in Christ 64. Understanding the Power of Prayer and Intercession 65. Knowing What it Means to be Filled with the Holy Spirit 66. Understanding God’s Perfect Will for Our Lives 67. Learning How to Make Wise Choices and Decisions 68. Serving With A Heart of Compassion 69. Cultivating a Life of Holiness and Righteousness 70. The Call to Walk in Humility and Obedience 71. Living in the Freedom of Forgiveness 72. Growing in Love and Patience 73. Becoming an Instrument of God’s Grace and Mercy 74. Encouraging Others to Pursue Holiness 75. Rejoicing in the Lord Always!

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