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Understanding the Great Commission.


Allow me to tell a brief anecdote. There was a young boy who was tasked with explaining the Great Commission. He responded, "It's when Jesus instructed the disciples to go out and replicate themselves... but not as prolifically as rabbits." While his understanding was somewhat off, the story serves as a lighthearted reminder that spreading our faith may pose challenges, yet it remains crucial.

Today, we're diving into Matthew 28:18-20. These are some of Jesus' final words to His disciples, known as the Great Commission:

- "Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'"

**I. The Authority Behind the Commission**

- **Illustration:**

Consider the power within a military hierarchy. Having worked as a Military Security Specialist in the Air Force, I can attest that when an order originates from the highest level, it carries significant weight. Jesus affirms that he has been granted "all authority in heaven and on earth."

- **Point:**

-This Authority signifies that the highest power supports our mission. We are not acting independently but rather under the Authority of Christ Himself.

**II. The Mandate to "Go"**

- **Example:**

- Reflecting on my life, I remember the transformation I underwent at 28. When I embraced Christianity, my life took a new direction. I left my old ways behind and started a journey that led me to pastoral service.

- **Challenge:**

- Jesus calls each of us to step out of our comfort zones. He doesn't say, "Stay and wait," but "Go and make disciples of all nations."

- **Quote:**

- It's an active command – "Therefore go…"

**III. Making Disciples: A Relational Approach**

- **Illustration:**

- In my years as a counselor, I've seen that true transformation happens through relationships. It's not just about getting someone to say a prayer; it's about walking with them on their journey.

- **Point:**

- Discipleship is relational. Jesus modeled this with His disciples; we're called to do the same.

- **Quote:**

- "Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

**IV. Baptizing and Teaching**

- **Example:**

I have Baptised people at the Church, in the Creek, in the Swimming Pool, in the Hot Tub, and even in the Bathtub.

- I've seen the importance of these acts. Baptism symbolizes our new life in Christ, and teaching helps us grow in our faith.

- **Point:**

- These steps are crucial in the faith journey. They solidify our commitment and help us understand more deeply what it means to follow Jesus.

- **Quote:**

- "Baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

**V. The Promise of His Presence**

- **Encouragement:**

- I've faced many challenges in my life, from PTSD and Alcoholism to Cancer. But in every trial, I've felt Jesus' presence. He has never left me alone.

- **Point:**

- Jesus promises, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." This assurance gives us the courage to step out and share our faith.

- **Quote:**

- We are never alone in this mission.


- **Recap:**

- Let's summarize: We have Jesus' Authority, we're commanded to go, discipleship is relational, baptism and teaching are vital, and Jesus is always with us.

- **Illustration:**

- I know about people who, despite their fears, shared their faith with a coworker. That coworker came to Church, gave their life to Christ, and is now growing in their faith. Stories like these remind us of the power of the Great Commission.

- **Call to Action:**

I challenge each of you to think of one person with whom you can share your faith this week. Pray for them, reach out to them, and trust God to work through you to touch them.

- **Closing Prayer:**

- Let's pray for boldness, wisdom, and opportunities to share the gospel this week.


- Romans 1:16 tells us, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes." Go in peace and share this good news!

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