Just saying: Free speech is no longer considered free speech when it incites violence or poses a clear and present danger to others. This is known as the "incitement to imminent lawless action" standard established by the Supreme Court in the landmark case Brandenburg v. Ohio.
In the United States, free speech is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution, which prohibits Congress from making any law that abridges the freedom of speech. However, there are limits to free speech, including defamation, obscenity, incitement to violence, and address that threatens National Security.
The current status of free speech in America is a contentious issue. On the one hand, many believe that free speech is being threatened by censorship on social media platforms, "cancel culture," and restrictions on hate speech. On the other hand, others argue that some addresses can be harmful and that limits on hate speech are necessary to protect marginalized communities.
Recent debates have been about how social media companies should be allowed to regulate speech on their platforms. Some people argue that these companies have too much power to restrict speech, while others say that these companies have a responsibility to combat hate speech and disinformation.
Overall, free speech remains a complex and evolving issue in America and will likely continue to be debated for years.