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"The Great Deception: Choosing Lies Over Truth."


Good morning, church! Today, I want to talk about a pressing issue that is not just creeping into our society but has already taken deep roots. It’s not just that the world is being lied to—no, it’s more than that. The real tragedy is that people, by and large, are choosing to believe lies over truth. This is a wake-up call, and it’s time we confront this deception head-on with the truth of God’s Word.

Scripture Reference:

Let’s start with a solid foundation from Scripture. Turn with me to **2 Thessalonians 2:9-12**:

“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore, God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”*

This passage speaks to the core of what we’re discussing today. It shows that there will come a time—and indeed, we are living in that time—when people will not only be deceived but will willingly choose deception over truth.

Illustration: The Power of a Lie

There’s an old story about a man who spread a rumor about his neighbor. The rumor was a lie, but it spread like wildfire. After a while, the man regretted his actions and went to the wise old pastor in the town. He asked how he could make things right. The pastor told him to take a feather pillow, cut it open, and scatter the feathers to the wind. The man did as he was told and returned to the pastor. The pastor told him, “Now, go and gather all the feathers back into the pillow.” The man replied, “That’s impossible! The wind has scattered them far and wide.” The pastor said, “So it is with your words. The damage is done, and it cannot be undone.”

This story highlights how lies, once accepted, spread uncontrollably and cause irreparable harm.

Point 1: The Nature of Deception

Lies are not just a matter of falsehood versus truth. They are often wrapped in half-truths, making them more palatable. Satan, the Father of lies, knows this well. Remember in **Genesis 3:1-5**how the serpent deceived Eve by twisting God’s words? He didn’t outright deny God’s command; instead, he questioned it and mixed enough truth to make the lie believable.

People today are drawn to lies that appeal to their desires, fears, and prejudices. The truth often requires us to face uncomfortable realities and make tough choices, while lies offer straightforward solutions and instant gratification. This is why so many choose lies over truth.

Illustration: The Comfort of Lies

Imagine a man standing in a burning house. The fire alarm is blaring, but he puts on noise-canceling headphones instead of running out. The alarm is telling him the truth: “Get out, or you will die!” But the man finds comfort in ignoring the alarm. He doesn’t want to deal with the reality of the fire. This is how many people live their lives—choosing the comfort of lies over the truth that could save them.

Point 2: The Consequences of Choosing Lies

Choosing to believe lies over the truth has dire consequences. **Isaiah 5:20** warns us:

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”*

When we accept lies, we invert the moral order. We begin to justify sin, rationalize immorality, and lose sight of God’s standards. The ultimate consequence of living in lies is spiritual death. **John 8:44** tells us that Satan is the Father of lies, and when we choose lies, we align ourselves with him rather than with Christ, who is the truth.

Illustration: The Titanic and Denial

Think about the Titanic. When it struck the iceberg, there were warnings and signs that something was wrong. Yet, many passengers and crew members downplayed the danger, believing the ship was “unsinkable.” Their denial led to disaster. In the same way, denying the truth of God’s Word leads to a spiritual shipwreck.

Point 3: The Call to Embrace the Truth

The only way to counter the world's lies is to embrace the truth of God’s Word wholeheartedly. **John 17:17** says:

“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.”*

We must be people who hunger for the truth, who seek it out even when it’s difficult to hear. Jesus said in **John 14:6**:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”*

When we choose truth, we choose Jesus. When we choose Jesus, we choose life.


Church, this is our wake-up call. The world is drowning in deception, and people choose lies over truth. But we, as followers of Christ, are called to be the light in the darkness, the voice of truth in a world of lies. We must stand firm, not just believing the truth but living it out boldly and proclaiming it without compromise.

Let’s pray for discernment, courage, and an unwavering commitment to truth. And let us remember that while lies may offer temporary comfort, only the truth of Jesus Christ can bring eternal peace.


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