Title: "Seeking God's Face: Lessons from 2 Chronicles 7:14"
Objective: To help participants understand the importance of seeking God's face and following the conditions outlined in 2 Chronicles 7:14 for experiencing His forgiveness, healing, and restoration.
I. Introduction
Welcome participants and introduce the topic of seeking God's face
Read 2 Chronicles 7:14 and explain its historical context
II. Understanding the Conditions of 2 Chronicles 7:14
Define the key terms in verse (humility, prayer, seeking God's face, turning from wicked ways)
Discuss the importance of humility in approaching God
Explain the role of prayer in seeking God's face
Explore what it means to turn from wicked ways and why it's necessary to experience God's forgiveness, healing, and restoration.
III. Applying 2 Chronicles 7:14 to Our Lives
Encourage participants to reflect on areas where they need God's forgiveness, healing, or restoration.
Provide time for personal prayer and confession.
Encourage participants to commit to turning away from sin and seeking God's face daily.
IV. Obstacles to Seeking God's Face
Discuss common obstacles that prevent people from seeking God's face (e.g., busyness, distractions, lack of faith)
Encourage participants to identify their obstacles and come up with strategies for overcoming them
V. Conclusion
Recap the key points of the teaching
Encourage participants to make seeking God's face a regular part of their spiritual practice.
Close with a time of prayer and worship.
Optional: Depending on the length of the teaching, you could also include a section on testimonies of people who have experienced God's forgiveness, healing, and restoration after seeking His face and following the conditions of 2 Chronicles 7:14.