Dear Friends in Christ,
As Paul encourages Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:15, so do we, too, receive the same encouragement today. He says,
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth" (NASB).
This call for diligence is not just for pastors and teachers but for all who name the name of Jesus. We all have been called by Him and chosen for this task - to live out His Word.
How can we do this? As Believers,
1. Our first step must always start with prayer. Ask the Lord to help you understand and apply His Word. Pray that your heart and mind will be open to His Word.
2. We must study the Bible for ourselves. We need to read it in its context, not taking verses out of context or allowing our interpretation to supersede what is written in Scripture.
3. When we have read and studied Biblical passages, we can apply them to our lives.
Let us take up Paul's challenge today. Let us make an effort to present ourselves as approved to God by studying the Bible accurately and applying its truths to our lives. May the Lord bless us all as we seek Him through His Word!
In Christ's Name, Amen.