Watching the News and seeing how our Country treats our Children, I offer the following:
1. **Severe Consequences (Matthew 18:6)** - **Exposition**: Jesus uses dramatic imagery to convey a powerful message. The millstone, a large, heavy stone used for grinding grain, symbolizes unbearable weight that drags one down—quite literally, to the depths of the sea. Jesus chose this image to emphasize that leading the innocent astray is one of the most grievous Sins one can commit. This metaphor is a stern warning to anyone in a Position of Authority or influence over vulnerable individuals. The implication is that God's judgment for such an act will be swift and severe.
2. **Divine Judgment (Psalm 82:3-4)** - **Exposition**: In these verses, the Psalmist is likely speaking in a context where local Judges and Leaders neglected their duties to protect the vulnerable. However, the message transcends its immediate context to deliver a timeless truth: God, the ultimate judge, commands Social Justice. The call to "Defend the Weak and the Fatherless" and "deliver them from the hand of the wicked" underscores the active role God expects us to take in defending those who can't defend themselves. Failure to do so invites divine judgment, echoing the sentiment that Justice is a Divine Mandate, not a Human Option.
3. **Moral Responsibility (James 1:27)** - **Exposition**: James tackles the essence of 'pure' religion, illustrating that True Faith is not about rituals but about living out God’s commands to love and care for the vulnerable. This radical statement directly confronts any form of "lip service" Christianity. James wants His readers to understand that Faith without Works is not just inadequate—it's dead (James 2:17). By linking the care of orphans and widows with pure and faultless Christianity, James makes it clear that the mistreatment or neglect of children is incompatible with genuine faith.
4. **Retribution and Vengeance (Romans 12:19)** - **Exposition**: Paul reiterates a core tenet of Justice from the Old Testament: Vengeance belongs to God. While there's a role for earthly Justice, Paul reminds us that ultimate Justice is divine. This perspective offers Caution and Comfort: a caution to those who would harm God’s children, reminding them that they will face Divine retribution and comfort to the victims and those advocating for them, reassuring them that even if Earthly Justice falls short, Divine Justice will prevail.